Thank you for your support!
Haz el "Sign In": y luego le da clic a sus iniciales. Darle clic a "Account Settings". Clic "Registrations" en el menú de la izquierda (si no sale, clic al icono de tres líneas). Clic al 2024 para editar. Abajo, darle clic al lapiz que aparece a la derecha de: "Document Upload"
"Sign In": and click on your initials. Then click on Account Settings, then Registrations (if you don't see it, click on the menu icon (3 lines)). Click on 2024 registration. At the bottom of the page click on the pencil to the right of Document Upload
Dear Players, family and friends:
Dear Players, family and friends:
Registration for the 2024 Football season is now open.
Remember, all offline payments must be made at the check-in table on Saturdays. Registration fees must be paid by April 1 for playoff eligibility.
-- The PRAFA Registration Team
Last Updated: 2023-MAR-12
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